05 April 2017

My bullet journal

Hey you reader! I've something new to show you: my Bullet Journal.
The Bullet Journal is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less.
So, Let's start the explanation.
I made it all by myself (very handmade).
I take a folder, some fabric and lace and make a cover with inside pocket for the folder.
Then I did markers: annual, monthly, list and notes; and one cute for the front.
I took a old ladybugs mark and a ribbon to used as bookmarks.
After finished the basic diary I star to fill up, staring with the 2017 calender and the "Key" page.

I followed by with the annual mark "this year...".
I put it my future log and a lot of annual tracker: bills, mood, drinks and ladytime (femme stuff... u know).
Also a cleaning page wait to fill ut.

Then the monthly part...
I make a monthly calender on my pc and printed.
Draw by hand the weeks and some days.
And added a monthly tracker for sleeping, smoking and expenses.

The list, my favorite part.
Here I put list of whatever I need to follow, like tv shows, mangas-book's to read and movies to watch.

The last marker is for 'Notes' where I put ideas, quotes and other stuff.

Well, this is my bullet journal..
The funny part is: I've to make another one for my mom.

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